Sober living

Sober Strategies Playbook: Tips for Staying Sober FHE Health

These associations and links are some of the hardest to break. Even certain emotional states can trigger a relapse, especially if you used a substance reasons to stay sober to help cope with something else in your life. Drug and alcohol addiction can pull you away from the people who mean the most—family and friends.

Misused Household Substances Parents Should Know

This extra money can be used to pay off debts, save for the future, or enjoy life’s pleasures without the financial stress caused by addiction. Alcohol and drug abuse can wreak havoc on your ability to manage emotions effectively, leading to mental health issues. This can create a vicious cycle of using substances, such as drugs, to cope with negative emotions, only to feel worse afterward. Acknowledging and celebrating the hard work of recovery is helpful for keeping you motivated and reminding you why you took this brave step toward sobriety in the first place. Just be sure that your rewards don’t involve drugs or alcohol. Instead, focus on things, experiences, and activities that will support your new, healthy lifestyle.

Employee Assistance Programs

Heavy drinking can actually cause the part of the brain that’s critical to memory and learning (hippocampus), to shrink. Studies have also connected alcohol use to an increased risk of stroke, especially for people under the age of 45 years old. Neurotransmitters can rebound beyond their usual activity levels, which can leave you feeling anxious and irritable. Volpicelli explains that this volleying can also lead to low motivation or anxiety and depression. Learn that you have choices and that you can maintain control. If any area of your life is out of control, it will not help you maintain lasting sobriety.

Issues in relationships with family, friends, and romantic partners

reasons to stay sober

When it comes to injectable drugs, sharing needles can also increase the risk of HIV/AIDS and other illnesses. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, chronic marijuana use during adolescent years has been proven to lead to an irretrievable loss of IQ points. Use at any age can affect memory and concentration for days or weeks after the high wears off.

  • The sober life can also give you the opportunity to think about nutrition as well.
  • With that being said, I personally have seen and know lots of people who used their recovery as a catalyst to start taking their health and nutrition more seriously.

Dual Diagnosis 101: How Mental Health Disorders and Substance Use Disorder Often go Hand in Hand

reasons to stay sober

Cognitive Benefits of Quitting Alcohol

Mental Illness and Staying Sober

  • By Buddy TBuddy T is a writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism.
  • That’s because the chemicals within these substances change the brain’s structure, forcing it to focus on getting more drugs or alcohol.
  • When used in small amounts, the depressive effects are not dramatic.
  • And stay in touch with your sponsor and call them if you’re feeling anxious or uncomfortable.
  • Day 0 might mean that you are interested and invested in recovery and hoping to shift your behaviors toward recovery.

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